2016年5月8日 星期日

妖怪手錶 片尾曲 - 妖怪體操第一 YouKai Taiso daiichi 英文字幕版 (官方美版) 版本2歌詞

Yo-Kai, Yo-Kai, Yo-Kai, Yo-Kai. Yo-Kai are out so I'm stayin' in.
Yo-Kai, Yo-Kai, Yo-Kai, Yo-Kai. Yo-Kai won't you be my friends?
Let's go with the flow. We can shake it to & fro, spending time with me.
Yo-Kai, Yo-Kai, Yo-Kai. Watch-Chi-Chi!
Kai Kai Ki Ki Kui Kui Ke Ke. Come on Yo-Kai watch with me!
Somehow once again, I overslept today. It seems I was just awake inside of my own dreams.
Why am I such a sleepyhead. Why am I such a dreamyhead.
Dwa Ha Ha. Let's blame the Yo-Kai. It's all their fault! All their fault!
Watch! What time is it? Big time! Again!
Yo-Kai, Yo-Kai, Yo-Kai, Yo-Kai. Yo-Kai are out so I'm stayin' in.
Yo-Kai, Yo-Kai, Yo-Kai, Yo-Kai. Yo-Kai won't you be my friends?
Let's go with the flow. We can shake it to and fro, spending time with me.
Yo-Kai, Yo-Kai, Yo-Kai. Watch-Chi-Chi!
Kai Kai Ki Ki Kui Kui Ke Ke. Come on Yo-Kai watch with me

